Our Department offers a 4-years B.A. in Psychology.

The undergraduate program is structured along two dimensions:

(i) 32 core and (ii) 16 optional courses.


A. Core courses

Examples of core courses are the following: Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Introductory lesson to Social Research, Biological Psychology, and Statistics.

Our undergraduate program include, among others core courses, the following:

(i) Workshop in Social Psychology.

Students are divided in small groups, each of them supervised by a Faculty Member of the Social Psychology Faculty. Working as a team, each group is participating in a research project (familiarization with the theoretical domain, formulation of hypotheses, data collection, statistical analyses and writing the research report), in close collaboration with the Faculty Member. 

(ii) A 200 h internship.

During their fourth year, each student is placed in an Institution (drawn by a pool of 54 Institutions covering a broad area of vocational areas, i.e., hospitals, schools). The student is jointly supervised by an accredited psychologist working in the hosting Institution and a Faculty member.

(iii) Writing a research thesis

(i.e., choice of a research area, posing research questions, implementing a research design, collection and analysis of data and report statistical results and writing their thesis). In all relevant steps APA manual is followed. Given the above requirements for the completion of this B.A. thesis, successful attainment of the obligatory lesson “Practical Exercise in SPSS” is a prerequisite. Each student is supervised by a faculty member for two consecutive semesters. Students are encouraged to present their theses to a biannual departmental graduate convention.